As of December 15, 2010

Grades are posted on an attached page with an explanation for you below:

This posting shows your individual scores for the total of your work in BIO 2500 General Botany.    I  have computed your percentage earned (% column) based upon your total points earned (out of 830 points possible so far; see"TOT pts" column) divided by 1000 points. You can now predict your final grade based on your projected scores of the remaining components; namely, the Botany Career Report (20 points) and Exam IV (150 points). Just total your predicted scores for these two remaining components, add the total to your current grand total, and divide by 1,000 to compute pencentage.

Exam Score, Percentage, and Weighted Points: The grade scale (below) can be applied to 'translate' your percentage earned (% column) to what your letter grade will be. Each category below represents a percentage of your total grade points. Note that Exams I and II are each worth 12.5%, Exam III is worth 20%, and Exam IV is worth 15% of the available 1000 points. Therefore, you will notice that your percentage of points earned out of 100 exam points is multiplied by either 1.25, 1.50, or 2 to increase its weighting to either 125, 150, or 200 points, respectively. ds

Please review the weighting of each category and the method of determining your grade below:

Point Distribution:
       Exam I & II @125 --------------- 250
       Exam III (@200), IV(@150)-- 350
       Quizzes/ Coop. Grp.-----------100
       Laboratory ----------------------- 150
       Inquiry Project (BLIP)-------- 150
       TOTAL ---------------------------- 1000

Based upon your computed percentage, your letter grade is determined as follows:

Letter Grades:

A = 900 - 1000             Plus (+) and minus (-) grades are awarded for the
                                     upper and lower 20 points of each grade interval, respectively.
B = 800 - 899            For example, a 914 total (91.4%) is an A-, and an 884 (88.4%) is a B+.

C = 700 - 799

D = 600 - 699

Please check your scores and the computations for accuracy.  If you have questions about the grade records, computations, or your performance, please stop by during my Office Hours or arrange an appointment.  May God continue to direct in your life as you continue your education.

Click HERE to see your grades.