BIO 1000  Web Links

1.  Course Introduction

2.  Science & Scripture: Ways of Knowing

Can We Know Truth? - An Essay on Certainty of Truth
Powers of Ten
-- Kaleidoscopic Views from Outer Space to an Atomic Nucleus

3.  Organization of Life - and Biology

Five Kingdom Classification - once there, select "Diversity of Life" link
New Six-Kingdom Classifications

Survey of the Plant Kingdom - On Line Biology Book, Michael Farbee
Levels of Organization - once there, select "Levels of Organization " link

4.  What Makes Living  Matter "Living?"

Chemistry Review - Online Biology Book
Water and Organic Molecules - Online Biology Book

5.  Creation's Life Support System

Biosphere II Web Site
Man and the Biosphere Species Databases

6.  Ecology of Cedar Lake

7.  Plugging into Energy and Nutrient Flow

Climate and Global Warming Update -- Comprehensive Site with Links to Ecological and Political Information  

8/9. Odyssey -- Applications of Ecology to Lifestyle

Forest Land -- View of  Part of a Ten-Acre Forest Which You Have Just Purchased
Aldo Leopold -- Noted Author of the classic book  A Sand County Almanac which includes Odyssey

10.  Caring for Creation

AuSable Institute - A Christian Environmental Studies Institute
The Nature Conservancy - Active around the World in Conserving Habitats
ECHO - Educational Concerns Hunger Organization
Healthy Families, Healthy Environment -  Practical Resources for Environmental Stewardship
Bald Eagles and Babies -- The case for "compassionate conservationism"  (Article in Christianity Today)

11. Exam I

12. Populations Multiply and Replenish

13. Human Population

Population Data Sheet -- World and National Population Data from Population Reference Bureau

14. Case Study:  Aluminum

Counting the Cost of a Convenient Container

15.  Ecology and Stewardship in Action

AuSable Institute - A Christian Environmental Studies Institute
Healthy Families, Healthy Environment -  Practical Resources for Environmental Stewardship
Bald Eagles and Babies -- The case for "compassionate conservationism"  (Article in Christianity Today)
The Nature Conservancy - Activearound the World in Conserving Habitats
ECHO - Educational Concerns Hunger Organization

Christian Environmental Studies Center -  Many Resource Links in Environmental Stewardship

16./17 Nutrition I and II
Nutritional Valueof Foods -- A USDA Database
           The Virtual Body -- Animated Inner Workings of the Human Digestive Tract
           The Virtual Body -- Animated Inner Workings of the Heart

Taxonomic Kingdoms:
           Archaea - Bacteria - Protista - Algae - Protozoa - Fungi - Animalia - Plantae

           The Microbiology Information Portal
           Protozoa -- Paramecium, Amoeba, etc.
           Cnideria Web Site -- Excellent Presentation; Hydra, Corals, Jellyfish, etc.
           Annelids -- Earthworms, Leeches, etc.
           Human Digestive System -- Text and Visual Aids

18. Exam II

19. Reproduction -- DNA and Chromosomes

     The Tech, from EPIC, University of California, Santa Cruz presents:
        Zoom into DNA -- Zoom in on a human hand and scale toward the subcellular level

20.  Reproduction -- Mitosis

Mitosis -- Tutorial (Cornell University)
Mitosis - DNA Coiling into Chromosomes -- Animation (W.H. Freeman Co.)
Mitosis and Cytokinesis - McGraw Hill Animation

21.  Reproduction -- Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction

Meiosis Graphics and Movie (University of California)
Meiosis Animation and Comparison with Mitosis - McGraw Hill Animations

22. Genetics: Mendelian Principles

Genetics Problem Sets and Tutorials -- The Biology Project, University of Arizona
Sites on Genetics -- by BIOZONE

23. Genetics:  Modern Applications

Genetics and Human Health - The Tech, from EPIC, University of California, Santa Cruz
Human Genome Project Information
Gene Map of the Human Genome

24. Coordination of  Life Processes

Explore Brain and Spinal Cord -- Helpful Introduction
The Virtual Body -- Animated Inner Workings of the Brain

25. Homeostatic Regulation -- Selected Example

Human Female Reproductive (Menstrual) Cycle - Animation (WOOMB, Australia)

26.  Life Before Birth

Contraception Methods -- Biblical Perspectives
The Pill: How It Works, Possible Concerns - American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG)
Prenatal Testing Methods -- Abbott Laboratories Online
Genetic Abnormalities -- Listing of Internet Sites
Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity -- Biblical Perspectives

27.  Exam III

28. Cell Structure and Function

Cells Alive -- Scroll Down and Select Links to Striking Photos and Motion Pictures of Cells
Cytoplasmic Streaming in Elodea - Microscopy UK
Bacterial Flagellum Animation -- Driven by a "Molecular Motor"
Inner Life of the Cell -- Animations of Cytoskeleton, and More

29. How Genes are Expressed

Beginners Guide to Molecular Biology -- Illustrated Explanations of DNA, RNA, Protein Synthesis
DNA - RNA - Protein Synthesis -- "The Central Dogma", from the Biology Hypertext)

30. How Gene Expression is Controlled

Beginners Guide to Molecular Biology -- Illustrated Explanations of DNA, RNA, Protein Synthesis
Control of Gene Expression -- the Lac Operon Model  (Access Excellence Gallery)

31. Genes and  Environment: Why Am I This Way?

32. Origin of Life: It  Matters Where You Start

Answers in Genesis       
Institute for Creation Research -- Publishers of "Impact" articles, with searchable by Subject Index
Creation Research Society --
Creation Research;   Journal:  Creation Research Society Quarterly
An Evolution Perspective: The Tree of Life -- David R. Maddison and Wayne P. Maddison.
Hugh Ross' Reasons to Believe -- Example of  a nonliteral interpretation of  Genesis 1 -- "Day-Age' approach

33. Explaining the Diversity of Life

Example of Irreducible Complexity:

Bacterial Flagellum Animation -- Driven by a "Molecular Motor"

Current Books on Origins:

Darwin's Black Box, by Michael Behe -- Irreducible Complexity argument against Darwin's Theory
Darwin's Black Box - Reviewed by Evolutionary Biologist, Kenneth R. Miller
Darwin on Trial, by Phillip Johnson -- Review by Ray Bohlin, Probe Ministries
Darwin on Trial - National Center for Science Education - In Defense of Teaching Evolution in Public Schools

34. Human Defences against Disease

Animations of Immune System - McGraw Hill Animations

35. Ethics and Genetics

Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity -- Biblical Perspectives
Alzheimer Association -- Information and Resources