BIO 3800 Biological Research
Stream Ecology & Watershed Studies
John E. Silvius, Professor of Biology, Cedarville University
Stream Water and Riparian Assessment
Land Use Effects upon Stream Quality
Preliminary Studies of Massies Creek -- photos
Report of Results of Fall, 2004 Study -- Available Upon Request: silviusj@cedarville.edu
Methods, Manuals, and Standards:
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) -- USDA Printable Technical Documents
National Conservation Practice Standards -- NRCS Printable Technical Documents
Stream Morphology, Vegetation, and Macroinvertebrates - OSU School of Nat. Resources
Methods for Assessing Habitat in Flowing Waters: Using the Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index (QHEI) -- Ohio EPA
OhioEPA Publications
OhioEPA Home Page
Division of Surface Water Forms and Publications-- Ohio EPA Printible Documents
Primary Habitat Headwater Streams - Field Evaluation Information
Technical Reports:
Guidelines and Standards for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations - U. S. EPA [Fed. Register]
Ditch Morphology and Macroinvertebrates in an Agricultural Landscape - Great Lakes Protection Fund
Assessing Conditions of Riparian-Wetland Corridors at the Areawide Level - USDA-NRCS
Watershed Condition Series: - USDA-NRCS Technical Note 1- Biotic Condition Indicators for Water Resources
Technical Note 2 - Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI))
Technical Note 3 - The EPT Index
Massies Creek and Local Information:
North Fork Massies Creek Restoration Program (2006-2009)
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Daily Streamflow Data -- Click on Desired State and Stream Location
Gaging Station Data for Massies Creek, Wilberforce, OH
"Economic Value of World's Wetlands" -- Wetland Report, World Wildlife Fund
"The Stream Study" -- Save Our Streams (SOS) Program, Isaac Walton League
Stream and Wetland Conservation Organizations:
Beaver Creek Wetland Association
Satellite and Aerial Photos:
USGS Global Visualization Viewer -- EROS Data Center
geodata.gov -- Geospatial Data from US Government
Microsoft's TerraServer-- Aerial Images and Matching Topo Maps
Aquatic Biology and Ecology Links:
Freshwater and Marine Microorganisms --
Institute for the Promotion of the Less than One Millimeter
Other Links to Map Information:
General Links: TopoZone.com
Greene County -- General Information
Greene County -- Geographical Information Mapping System (GIMS)
Clark County -- General Information
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